Alchemical Coaching


  • 3 months of 1-on-1 Coaching

  • 10 Weekly Virtual Sessions, 90 minutes each

  • Alchemically-crafted practices for in between sessions that will blow your mind and rapidly transform your life.



Payment plans available


This is the doorway. If you walk through it, every aspect of your life will transform. The patterns of limitation, self-sabotage and playing small that you have clung to for survival throughout your entire life will dissolve. Your fears of intimacy, success, being loved, being valued, and being seen will dissolve. Whatever you desire, the abundance, the business, the money, the love, the dream, will be yours to claim, with ease and with pleasure.

Please Fill out the Application Below

Please schedule a 30 minute free clarity call using the calendar link below. Then please take a few minutes to fill out the questionnaire.

I challenge you to find pleasure in filling out this application. Self-inquiry is intensely sensational. You can interpret that sensation as unpleasant (like being constricted). Or you can interpret that sensation as strangely pleasurable (like being stretched open). This is an act of erotic self-exploration. Relax into it. Breathe deeply. You’re allowed to enjoy every moment.

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